Wallet Upgrade on DOBI Exchange, Trading is Suspended

Irwan Hanafy
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2019

All trading activities on DOBI Exchange are hereby suspended as we shall undergo a Wallet Maintenance on DOBI once DOBI has completed their new system upgrade, and migration exercise.

Any tradings that happened on and after August 30th, 2019 on DOBI shall not be honoured until we have completed our Wallet Maintenance exercise.

As usual, please contact admin@mexc.life for further clarifications. You can also ask/discuss at our MEXC Trade Telegram Community at https://t.me/mexctrade.



Irwan Hanafy
Editor for

Entrepreneur, Branding Strategist, Sr. Creative Director, UX/UI/IxD/VxD Designer/Developer, Design & Tech Enthusiast. Reach me at irwan@artifex.com.my