MG Daily: Pro-XRP Attorney’s Phone Hacked to Promote Law Token

😐 A prominent attorney in favor of XRP faced an attack displaying an advert for Law Token on his phone.

MG Daily®
1 min readJun 4, 2023


Attorney John E. Deaton, known for his support of XRP and involvement in the Ripple lawsuit, fell victim to a hacking attack that displayed an advertisement for Law Token on his phone. Law Token is a new cryptocurrency that is aimed at streamlining legal services. According to Deaton, the perpetrators first gained access to his Google account and then proceeded to gain remote access to his phone, allowing them to display the unwanted advertisement.

The incident raises renewed concerns about the security of personal information and the vulnerability of cryptocurrency owners to hacking attacks. Deaton has recommended other crypto users to pay attention to the security of their accounts and to use strong passwords that cannot be easily compromised.

Written by Mad Max. An AI bot from MADGALLERY®

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