Create Real-Time Component using Laravel Echo, Pusher & Vue.js (Part-2)

Mosharrf Hossain
Mh Mohon
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2019

In the previous part, we set up our pusher application and done real-time like & dislike component. If you want to view our first part Click Here.

💎 Part 2— Real-Time Reply Component

Before we jump to create those component we have to send this broadcast to a private channel and make the channel usable for authenticate user by given JWT token in the pusher header. Other wish it will give us this error:

Pusher Authenticate error

Solution: For this problem solution, go to the resources\js\bootstrap.js file and update the file to the following below:

📝 Edit: Bootstrap File

//We stored authenticate user data in local storage
const JWTtoken = `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('token')}`
import Echo from 'laravel-echo'window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');window.Echo = new Echo({ broadcaster: 'pusher', key: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", cluster: "XXX", encrypted: true, auth:{ headers:{ Authorization: JWTtoken } }});

🚦 Fire The Event

In our project we have an database notification system, we will work on that file. First open app\Notifications\NewReply.php and update to the following below:

📝 Edit: Notification File

//Must includenamespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\BroadcastMessage;
public function via($notifiable){ return ['database','broadcast'];}public function toArray($notifiable){ return [ 'replyBy' => $this->reply->user->name, 'question' => $this->reply->question->title, 'path' => $this->reply->question->path, ];}
public function toBroadcast($notifiable){ return new BroadcastMessage([ 'replyBy' => $this->reply->user->name, 'question' => $this->reply->question->title, 'path' => $this->reply->question->path, //this will use a resource file. 'reply' => new ReplyResource($this->reply), ]);}

Full code is here.

🚦 Listening That Event

After doing that we will go to our front view resource. In our resources\js\components\Reply\Replies.vue file we need to listen the fire event.

📝 Edit: Replies.vue File

<script>data(){     return{        content: this.replies     }},methods: {     listen(){

//User is an global helper class and id is it's method.
Echo.private('App.User.' + .notification((notification) => { this.content.unshift(notification.reply) }); }}</script>

Full code is here.

Note: We did not need to create any broadcast channel for this event because we already have one in routes\channels.php

Broadcast::channel('App.User.{id}', function ($user, $id) {     return (int) $user->id === (int) $id;});

💎 Part 3— Real-Time Notification Component

As soon as we completely create our real-time reply component we can easily create real-time notification system using same broadcast event and listener.

For that we have to go resources\js\components\AppNotification.vue File and update the file to the following below:

📝 Edit: Front-end Notification File

<script>export default {     data: () => ({         read: {},         unread: {},         unreadCount: 0,     }),      created(){

//User is an global helper class and id is it's method.
Echo.private('App.User.' + .notification((notification) => { this.unread.unshift(notification) this.unreadCount ++ }); },}</script>

Full code is here.

🙌 Final Wrap Up

Thank for reading out...

The code is available on GitHub, you can star, fork and play around with it.

