And the winners are…

Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Hackers, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The winners for MHacks Nano are…

Waaaaaaait a minute, we can’t just jump into the results like that. Before that, we need to thank you, the hackers. MHacks Nano was a huge success and it was only made possible by your enthusiasm for the MHacks community. You submitted more than 50 amazing hacks and cast more than 400 votes. If you haven’t seen them yet, be sure to check out all the hack submissions on Devpost.

The Results

Alrighty then, without further ado, here, chosen by you, are the winners of MHacks Nano!

First Place: Messenger LaTeX

The winning team is Edwin Zhang, Brett Selby, Mathieu Godin, and Dmytro Shynkevych! From their submission:

Messenger LaTeX allows users to input and render LaTeX formatted text and features a preview box containing the rendered text, the ability to save rendered text as a PNG file and clicking on renderings to copy the original LaTeX markup.

Top 12

Thanks to some ties in the voting, we’re happy to announce that we’re extending our Top 10 prize to the top 12 teams! In alphabetical order, those teams are:

That’s a wrap!

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who participated. All MHacks Nano swag will be distributed at our fall event. With that said, check back here next week for our neXt big announcement 😉

- MHacks Team

Want more MHacks goodness? Check out our last post: Welcome to MHacks Nano!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Compliments (we like these!)? Shoot us an email (, message us on Facebook, DM us on Twitter, or tag us on Instagram!

