Introducing: Hacker Office Hours

Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2017


The hackathon scene has changed quite a bit since MHacks began. Our community has grown from a few friends around Ann Arbor, to one that is a few thousand strong across the globe. As organizers, we want to make sure that MHacks X remains accessible and welcoming to everyone in our ever growing community. This is why we are introducing Hacker Office Hours. This is a chance for the community to talk to us (the MHacks Directors) about MHacks, hackathons, the community, or anything else in-between. Interested? Read the guidelines down below and apply now!

What Hacker Office Hours ARE for:

  1. What you want to see at MHacks!
  2. Questions about our community as a whole
  3. Talk to us about your experience with MHacks
  4. How you would like us to grow the community
  5. What we can do better as organizers
  6. And much much more!

What Hacker Office Hours ARE NOT for:

  1. Questions about MHacks Acceptances
  2. Questions about Travel Reimbursements
  3. Questions that can be answered in the FAQ
  4. Questions about the logistics/schedule for the event
  5. (No we won’t be releasing any secret details)

Want to talk to us? Great! Apply here (spaces limited). We’ll get back to you by end-of-day July 23rd about setting up a time to talk.

Looking forward to talking to you!
- Kevin, Yazad, and Nevin

Want more MHacks goodness? Check out our last post: The Beginning

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Compliments (we like these!)? Shoot us an email (, message us on Facebook, DM us on Twitter, or tag us on Instagram!

