Sprint 8: Prototype & Test

MHCI 2023 Team InterDigital
4 min readJun 21, 2023

We are a student group from Carnegie Mellon University studying Human-Computer Interaction. We partnered with InterDigital to create future experiences that are powered by technologies developed with people in mind, and we bring the people’s perspective to the project.
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Quick recap

After an exhilarating presentation in the bustling city of New York, our team was brimming with ideas and motivation. The favorable feedback we received propelled us forward, inspiring us to dive right back into our work. Recognizing the untapped potential beyond the realm of cooking scenarios, we set our sights on expanding our horizons. Our goal was to identify new opportunities and develop a holistic experience that addresses two critical areas: loss of context and secondary positions. In this sprint, we delve into our journey and share how we tackled these challenges head-on through ideation, prototyping and user testing.

Finding opportunities

Starting from our storyboard, we had an ideation session to identify possible areas where future technologies could aid in restoring context and primary positions for users. We envisioned a world where users effortlessly interact with their digital, physical, and virtual environments while exploring the design spaces such as experience, hardware, and systems design. Here is a snapshot of our crazy ideation session!

Narrowing it down and testing

Our primary objective was to revolutionize two-dimensional experiences by creating immersive interactions in 3 areas, where we tested it with users:

  1. How do virtual controls and interactions help people communicate more effectively?

Our findings:

  • Our People value natural mapping e.g using gestures and their hands to control the 3D space.
  • Non-verbal gestures and factors like body language need to be communicated and visualised to get the right interpretation

2. Does providing context help communication and make people more connected with each other?

Our findings:

  • When faced with multiple tasks, individuals tend to prioritize their immediate responsibilities over engaging in meaningful communication with the person on the call.
  • The individuals on the receiving end of the call often experienced a feeling of exclusion when the other person became absorbed in their physical environment.

3. How does our device influence communication and engagement with the physical world?

Our findings:

  • People attach importance not only to the information being conveyed but also to the person’s voice, delivery style, and emotional expression.
  • People believe that an immersive experience can be helpful in quickly understanding and visualizing a situation, but it can lose the emotional aspect and reduce the time spent with people.

Key takeaway

Immersive experiences often demand users’ full attention and can potentially limit the time spent engaging with others. While efficiency and effectiveness are important, it is equally crucial to allow for meaningful interactions and quality time with others. Striking a balance ensures that users can benefit from both immersive experiences and the richness of human connection, maintaining a healthy and fulfilling balance between digital engagement and real-world interactions. The integration of natural mapping, leveraging gestures and hand movements, has proven to enhance user engagement and agency. Yet, immersive experiences may lack the emotional aspect and reduce the time spent engaging with others.

Through our user testing, we have gained valuable insights into the effectiveness of virtual controls and interactions, the benefit of providing context in communication, and the influence of devices on communication and engagement with the physical world. In our next sprint, our team is doubling down on how we can strike a balance between immersive and emotionally rich interactions in order to to preserve and convey emotional nuances effectively to ensure meaningful and authentic interactions. Stay tuned!

*The work and knowledge gained from this project are only intended to be applicable to the company and context involved and there is no suggestion or indication that it may be useful or applicable to others. This project was conducted for educational purposes and is not intended to contribute to generalizable knowledge.

