MHEM Twelve Steps

Towards the renormalizing of Modern humans so some (if any) may sidestep extinction.

Eric Lee
MHEM: Modern Human Extinction Movement
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Step 0: My name is _________, and I’m a Modern human. Those who go to AA or alternative 12-step programs do so because they have come to know (as distinct from believe) that alcoholism is slow suicide that maximally harms themselves and others (I recall one alcoholic who came to this realization when he woke up laying in a gutter in a pool of his own urine — I’ve seen others in this condition who do not wake up, but just get up and keep on keeping on… until they can’t). To understand one’s condition is the deliverance, if any, from it. Understand or die.

The Modern Techno-Industrialized human.
  1. We admit we are Modern humans — that we cannot renormalize in a mere lifetime.
  2. We are willing to consider the possibility that we are wrong about everything.
  3. We listen above all to Nature to be choicelessly obedient to the nature of things — freedom being the recognition of necessity.
  4. We endeavor to make a fearless and searching inventory of our pathologies.
  5. We admit that our Modern form of human is not remotely viable nor sustainable long term.
  6. Our ancestors were K-strategists for hundreds of millions of years, as renormalized humans must again become to persist.
  7. In all due humilitus, we acknowledge that it is not wrong to go back to what we have forgotten, to being what works long term.
  8. We innumerate all the species we have harmed, and endeavor, as Agents of Earth, to stand down, to leave room for Nature.
  9. We will work to contract our ruins to restore Earth’s surface for life to again live abundantly upon.
  10. We will not cease to help our children to renormalize as animals, more so than we have.
  11. If the 100th generation ahead of us has renormalized, let them believe not, but say no to hubris and asymptotically continue the good work of helping to further the renormalizing of their children.
  12. Having awakened from our dogmatic slumbers, let us renormaiizing humans endeavor to listen to Mother who alone has all the answers as to what works to persist long term.

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The Twelve Traditions of MHEM

  1. A planetary life-support system should come first; species recovery (which may or may not include humans) depends upon a viable Gaian system.
  2. For our species to renormalize as evolvable animals — listen not to primate prattle, but to the still small voice trees speak when no wind blows.
  3. The only requirement for MHEM membership is a desire to renormalize.
  4. Where two or three MHEM members are gathered together in Gaia’s name, she is there among them.
  5. Each MHEMed human has but one primary purpose — to carry Gaia’s message (listen to Mother) to all Moderns who still suffer.
  6. As MHEM, we seek to recover from our dependence on the monetary culture (Modern Techno-Industrial society) and all its enterprises, lest they assimilate us deeper into their Borg-like collective.
  7. Every gathering of two or three MHEM ought to only seek out the condition now that will come anyway.
  8. The work of MHEM shall remain forever bottom up to minimize hierarchy’s evil waste.
  9. MHEM as such, will never seek to organize belief-based claims as doing so creates creeds, cults, sects, parties, ideologies, tribal narratives, organized religions… that seek to impose the same on others.
  10. MHEM does not traffic in politics; the only humans excluded from membership are politicians and the recently (within 1 year) politically active.
  11. MHEM seeks out the condition of modern human extinction (which will come anyway) to end the Anthropocene mass extinction event and continued denormalization of posterity.
  12. MHEM is not committed to violent destruction of modernity in all its forms; it may be enough to destroy modern techno-industrial society and its expansionistic monetary culture one mind at a time, starting with our own.
This is what H.T. Odum heard Nature telling him. Could he be wrong? Of course. Could Nature be wrong? Never.
Listen to Nature. At times, listen to those who endeavor to listen to Nature who has all the answers.

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For involuntary change, join MHEM. The belief that you are a free agent, with free will to choose your future (or get modern humans to choose their future), is error floating on a sea of ignorance in a thick fog of illusion.

The Modern Human Extinction Movement

[Note: MHEM includes members who celebrate Modern human life and favor the extinction of all life that humans do not value. A minority faction views the condition of being a Modern human the way AA members view the condition of being an alcoholic — i.e. non-viable. The author is obviously one of the “Or-nots” who seek to “just say no” to the Anthropocene.]

