Modern Humans Value a Single Human Life Over Entire Species

Our human centric bias is Titanic (USS Hubris)

Eric Lee
MHEM: Modern Human Extinction Movement
4 min readFeb 20, 2024


Nothing new here folks, but as modern humans we should seek to know ourselves, know what sort of animal we are, what we value above all.

Worldwide, in the advent of a forest or brushfire, official responders, such as firefighters, first seek to protect:

  1. Human life
  2. Private human property
  3. Public human Infrastructure
  4. Natural assets humans value

If you demure, “you’re straightaway dangerous And handled with a chain,” i.e. you are not a truly modern, right thinking human.

But let’s simplify to clarify: You are IC (Incident Commander) at a wildfire directing all responders (fire, police, emergency medical). And you have no concerns for being reprimanded by higher ups or prosecuted by any legal system (you are also World Dictator whose word is literally law and all humans endeavor to hear and obey — or at least pretend to).

There are some assets you can save, but not all. The order of protection determines which assets are saved and which are forever destroyed. The assets are:

  1. A person not warned to evacuate
  2. A population of 50 koalas (of which many other populations exist elsewhere)
  3. One of only two populations of a wallaby species
  4. A flock of 50 sheep
  5. The only population of a native snail species (which will become extinct if burnt)
  6. A house
  7. The only population of a native shrub species (which will become extinct if burnt)
  8. A person who had ignored advice to evacuate (and so implicitly taken responsibility for their own safety)
  9. A shed and tractor
  10. Indigenous cultural treasure, a rock art gallery
  11. Indigenous cultural treasure, a tree carving.

Question 2 and 3 test to see if Australians have a significantly higher koala/wallaby bias than modern humans elsewhere. Otherwise, the results of above survey would likely be close no matter what population of modern humans are asked to rank the assets in order.

The difference is that you will be the IC and your ranking of the assets will determine the outcome. So rank them now so the Enterprise can use its transporter to beam you to the site (which happens to be in Australia).

The survey was actually done, and in Australia, so results may differ from where you live (if not in Australia).

The results of the survey are telling:

From a nature centric POV (e.g. MHEM or Gaian point of view), what would I do? I’ve had advanced CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training at Anniston AL, so if my nephew (who is a professional IC) or someone better trained isn’t around, I could be an IC.

That I would never be again and could end up jailed or executed, would not bias me. I would detail all firefighters to save the two species and then the wallaby, if nothing else. If I were the warned human who refused to evacuate, I would expect no help.

I would be in command of all police forces and would direct their leader to use all needed police personnel to assist the fire chief in scene management, and to send any unneeded personal to me. I’d detail some to respond by looking for the unwarned person, and then one to see if the warned person was alive or had changed their mind. When enough firefighters where present who were not needed to save the species, I’d send them to save the cultural sites. The sheep and koalas, in no particular order, would be next.

If the unwarned human died (and was cute) and word spread among the locals, I’d expect to be executed by mob violence, and that not one of them would be singled out for even paying a fine. Otherwise I would be prosecuted for manslaughter (and damned to hell forever by local clergy unless the victim was wiccan and not cute).

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For involuntary change, join MHEM. The belief that you are a free agent, with free will to choose your future (or get modern humans to choose their future), is error floating on a sea of ignorance in a thick fog of illusion.

The Modern Human Extinction Movement

[Note: MHEM includes members who celebrate Modern human life and favor the extinction of all life on the planet that humans do not value. A minority faction views the condition of being a Modern human the way AA members view the condition of being an alcoholic — i.e. non-viable. The author is obviously one of the “Or-nots” who seek to “just say no” to the Anthropocene.]

