The Mi:Lab February Newsletter

Mi:Lab Team
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2021

Hello and welcome to Mi:Lab’s February Newsletter!

Mi:Lab is an Innovation Lab based in Maynooth University that takes a human-centred design approach to exploring and tackling challenges within the higher education system. This monthly newsletter is for anyone interested in designing new and better ways of doing and experiencing traditional higher education in Ireland.

February Theme: Shifting Perspectives

As we settle into 2021 and reflect on the past twelve months, it appears that we have (involuntary) become experts at encountering change. If we pivot out mindset and reframe our way of thinking, we can translate some of the challenges we have encountered into opportunities.

For this reason, the theme of this month’s newsletter is Shifting Perspectives. Stay tuned for links and resources we hope will encourage you to reframe and tackle challenge from an alternative perspective.

Mi:Lab’s Higher Ed

Mi:Lab have rounded up some readings on re-imagining the future of Higher Ed.

Uncharted Territory: A Guide to Reimagining Higher Education —

Inside Higher Ed:From Surviving to Thriving argues that “the pandemic has forced institutions to reckon finally with the fundamental issues of the true value of higher education from a student’s perspective”

Long Life Learning Is The New Postsecondary Education according to Dr Michelle Weise, author of Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet.

Deloitte: The hybrid campus.Three major shifts for the post-COVID university Deloitte’s new vision: “Think of the hybrid campus as similar to the retail model that sits somewhere between the physical and digital worlds, with little distinction between the two.” Uncharted Territory: A Guide to Reimagining Higher Education An exploration of how institutions are charting new paths and designing for the student experience in higher ed.

Can Higher Education Be Transformed to Better Serve Society? Hosted by: Zócalo Public Square.

Mi:Lab’s Design, Self and Creativity

5 Steps to Create a Beacon for Change - IDEO U

Spark and inspire change with this new post from IDEO U: ‘5 Steps to Create a Beacon For Change’

Enact change by changing the way you think with: Liminal Thinking: The pyramid of belief by Dave Gray

Explore your life from a new point of view! If your life is your biggest project, why not design it? With Ayse Birsel

How to tap into creativity during lockdown from the Financial Times

Podcast Recommendation: Building Courage Through Making with Emily Pilloton

Save The Date

If you would like to keep up to date or become involved with our current and future works we would be delighted to hear from you at:

