MIB Master Node Manager Interview — Joshua Chisolm

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2 min readNov 6, 2018

Hello. This is from MIB Team.
We are having MIB MainNet soon, so we have prepared a relay interview for our MIB Master Node Managers.
Today we have the first interview from Joshua Chisolm, the MIB Master Node Manager from United States of America.

1. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Joshua Chisolm. I live in Alabama USA. I’m a 40-year-old computer scientist who is a single father of a 6 ear old boy.

2. How did you decide to apply MIB Master Node manager?

I began watching the mobile mining platforms about 2 years ago.
The first that caught my interest was the MIB platform due to the ability for not only individuals who have the ability to mine but also the individuals in other countries who do not have the resources to mine in normal fashion.
With a 99.24% more efficient algorithm thank any other algorithm, I realized this is going to be the key to many issues through out the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology platform.

3. What do you think about the future of MIB?

The MIB Platform will be the future of mobile mining as far as my research through all mobile platforms this proprietary algorithm is the answer and its going to be a blessing for those who can’t afford or find a job or even know where the next meal may come from.

4. What is your plan to manage MIB Master Node?

I plan to be an asset to MIB as Well as MOS Software and become the USA Representative for MOS. It’s amazing how I can touch bases all the way to South Korea. I’m truly blessed!

5. Do you have any last word for the interview?

MIB Coin is the Future of mobile mining as well as Smart Hash Algorithm which will enable the individuals who have no resources to feed and clothe their families in countries where there are no jobs. Just by using their cell phone they will be able to make enough to take care of their families in the near future. I would like to thank MOS Software, Bolt soft, And MIB as well as all DEV and every Team member for this once in a lifetime opportunity!
Thank You




Mobile SmartX Blockchain platform. MIB is a Mobile-only Cryptocurrency and Mobile-only Blockchain Network Ecosystem that enables existing Cryptocurrency Mining