Weekly Studio Roundup #27

Storytelling, Digital Strategy & MCN 2018

Meghan Ferrucci
4 min readNov 26, 2018


We had a wonderful time in Denver just over a week ago for the Museum Computer Network conference. It was great to catch up with and meet so many peers in the museum sector. Micah presented with Richard The and Mandy Mandelstein, current and past members of NEW INC, and with Chad Weinard from WCMA. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to those sessions. Check out Seema Rao’s recap of the conference in case you missed it!

Around the Web

Digital at the Frick Collection

In this interview with Vivian Gill, the Digital Director at the Frick Collection, Vivian discusses the digital focuses at the Frick, including web maintenance, content development, and TMS management. “We are exploring technologies to provide access to works of arts in a more seamless way. And we will continue to explore technology used outside of the museum visit (before or after visits and for education).”— link to Medium.

Storytelling with Digital Tools

This write up gathers a few examples of museums around the world that are telling stories through digital tools to engage with their visitors.— link to Medium.

Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

Digital Strategy in Small Museums

This blogpost explores the need for digital strategies in small museums. “Having a digital strategy is as important as having a mission statement in today’s digital world. The problem is that smaller museums have trouble finding the money, time, or resources to invest into a digital strategy, but because the world today is embedded in digital media so heavily, it seems as though small museum might be missing out on something if they don’t develop a digital strategy.” — link to Medium.

Future-Proofing Museums

This interview with Elizabeth Merritt, founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums, is the second part of Blooloop’s interview to discuss the future of museums. “She now develops that discussion and argues that museums need to become more diverse. They must also become more responsive to the needs of their communities if they want to extend their reach.”— link to Blooloop.

Agile at the Rijskmuseum

Taco Dibbits, the director of the Rijksmuseum, discusses agile practices in this interview with McKinsey. “After a successful reopening in 2013, Dibbits, as director of collections at the time, first stepped back with his team from an agile process, then reintroduced it when he and the team embarked on a 21st-century vision for the museum. Along the way, Dibbits says, he learned a great deal about the characteristics of great teams, the power of constraints to inspire creative solutions, and the role of the leader to get people out of their comfort zones.”— link to McKinsey.

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Open Access Collections

This blogpost makes a case for open access collections in museums and highlights several examples of museums that are already doing this. “By making open access a priority within an institution’s digital strategy, whether highlighted in a separate planning document or embedded into a broader strategic plan, museums can ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to allow an institution to begin sharing their collection data with the broader open access community.”— link to Medium.

NEMA Conference Recap

The New England Museum Association held its 100th annual conference earlier this month. See Lindsey Steward’s recap for all the details of the conference.— link to Medium.

Hashtags we’re following…



The New England Museum Association’s conference was held in Stamford, Connecticut earlier this month. The theme of this year’s conference was “Museums on the Move, investigating how museums have evolved since the very first NEMA conference and how they are positioning themselves for success in the century ahead.”


One last thought

If you are still interested in receiving a copy of Thoughtforms and will be in NYC on December 1, it will be available at the New York Tech Zine Fair hosted by the School of Poetic Computation.

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