Why start now?

Mica S.
Mica’s Musings
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2016

2016, what a tumultuous year!

From finishing course requirements, interning abroad, graduating from university, working full time, studying for the board exams, vacationing for a whole month and now attending the oath taking for passing the exam, it has been a busy year for a 20 *strike that* , 21 year old like me. With how quickly things are changing in my life, I wanted something constant to remind me how the silly lazy always hungry little girl in me felt. I’ve always been the girl who had her whole life planned out. With a written ten year career plan and an overly ambitious mind, I thought nothing could stop me — and then 2016 happened. And honestly, it worn me out.

It wasn’t like I didn’t enjoy accomplishing these milestones. Heck! I’m grateful I made it pass the year without fully breaking down (from homesickness to deadlines to peer pressure) and seeming like I’m becoming into a responsible adult. #Adulting But along the way, I found myself getting tired, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I would like to think I’m the type of person who reflects on her choices and decisions and their aftermath. And with each passing milestone, I felt less and less sure of myself and how truly happy I have come to be. I’m not sure when it started feeling like a task to accomplish those goals but it did. And I know deep inside, I just wanted to stop and relish the progress I’ve made.

So before the year ends, I made a vow to myself to start putting my reflections and thoughts into a written blog. Something that I could look back to and have my words reach someone else in the World Wide Web. Knowing full well that blogging has been a #MillennialThing since the early 2000’s but only getting into it now. Hoping that another 20 something year old shares the same sentiments and letting this blog be the physical manifestation of how I“process” my feelings. The saying goes, ‘better late than never’, and that is exactly what I’m doing.

So for those who may have stumbled upon this blog, I hope you enjoy reading my ideas and thoughts as I deal with experiences from 2016 to 2017 and as I fully enter adulthood.



Mica S.
Mica’s Musings
Editor for

teaches, reads, travels and eats. Pragmatist. INTJ.