How to get started with deep learning using MRI data.

Divya Gaur
MICCAI Educational Initiative
17 min readNov 24, 2020


Even though all the algorithms and information are open-source these days, sometimes using even the most well-established computer vision or deep learning methods do not produce expected results, especially for medical imaging problems. The problem lies in the insufficient understanding of medical data and its efficient use to leverage the power of the new computational methods. This post here addresses a basic structure that can help in understanding the problem at hand and implement deep learning models to use MRI data. Although this work primarily deals with classification problems, the data exploration and preparation steps equally apply to other types of problem statements. Before we start, it is beneficial to know that most of the popular machine learning libraries and deep learning frameworks used here based on python. The requirements list below contains the language and library requirements necessary for following the code of this tutorial.

Requirements: Main libraries and python version used for the code mentioned in this tutorial are as follows:

  • Python: 3.6
  • SimpleITK : 1.2.4
  • torch (PyTorch library): 1.4.0
  • torchvision (datasets and transforms): 0.5.0
  • sklearn: 0.0
  1. Understanding Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and DICOM

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Divya Gaur
MICCAI Educational Initiative

Machine learning and deep learning enthusiast. Finding ways to apply ML in healthcare.