An open letter to my friends on the upcoming BC Election

Michael Roy
Michael Roy
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

In case I haven’t told you lately, you’re the best. Thanks for being you.

I’m writing because in 48 days, our province is headed into an important election, and it’s going to be a very, very close race.

As you’ve probably seen, I’m posting a fair bit of stuff about the provincial election and the BC NDP. While I appreciate that you are not all die-hard politicos (see paragraph one), I am hoping that you can do me the following favours:

Donate to the BC NDP. OK, now I know not everyone is in a good position to do this, but every bit counts and it feels good. Christy Clark’s conservative knuckle-dragging friends have raised an ungodly amount of money from people with a lot at stake in this election, and good people like you need to reach deep if we’re going to win. Think of this as buying your right to complain.

Don’t just like, share. Don’t believe the negative hype about “clicktivism”. Sharing things about John Horgan and other anti-BC Liberal posts can be powerful endorsements for your friends online who don’t really pay attention to politics. If you occasionally share a graphic about why Christy Clark has to go, it could go a long way towards helping people form an opinion about the parties.

Keep your eyes on the prize. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t agree with everything the NDP does. I’m sure you don’t either. BUT — I stand with my party during this election because I know that their worst day is going to be one-hundred times better for our province than the best day we’ve had under the BC Liberals. If you have your doubts, just remember the Liberals millionaire tax cuts, endless scandals, attacks on unions and working people — the list goes on. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize.

Hang in there. You will be door-knocked. And called. And called again. And emailed endlessly. Do not unsubscribe. Hang in there. Getting a few extra emails is a first world problem and it’s all for the greater good. If you unsubscribe or take yourself off lists, you risk missing important calls to action that will help us change this government. If you hear others complain about calls/emails, tell them to hang in there.

Thanks, folks. I promise this will work.

Thank you to Ian Boyko for the inspiration for this piece.



Michael Roy
Michael Roy

Digital strategist. Partner, Metric Strategies. Frmr NDP Digital Director. Dad, husband, dog owner, foodie.