Creating a Facebook Group: Adaptive Media pt. 3

Michaela Brown
Michaela Brown Portfolio
4 min readDec 13, 2019

Abstract: I was told to create an original channel for one of my projects in the fall semester of 2019. This class requires that I adapt media between four different mediums. I chose Facebook groups as the fourth medium of publication, and this is how and why this platform fits in with the other projects.

My general theme is books. I focus on lesser-known older fantasies and sharing my love of reading with others. Each channel has been somehow related to this topic. The first project, a Podcast, was a book review; the second was the news aggregator articles, which involved articles about book tropes and my top 20 fantasy books; the next was an Instagram experience, which is just sharing things about fantasy books including controversial book topics, then my final is a Facebook book club group where we discuss one fantasy book a month and also share about new books that we are excited about.

The why behind the podcast.

I chose to have book reviews for this because it was an activity I could do myself and share with others my love of books that no one knows about anymore. The podcasting experience was interesting. I have these books that I love to recommend to people to read, but I need help explaining them to others. As part of this podcast, I can explain why I love these books without the added pressure of someone staring at me while I try to remember why the book is so good.

The why behind the news aggregator.

For the two articles I had to create, I went with two things I am interested in writing about. The first one I wrote was about fantasy tropes. In the books of this genre, there are plots that are featured a lot, and I just wanted to let everyone know what they are and how to bypass them so your writing doesn’t become cliche. The next article was about my top 20 favorite fantasy books so I could share en masse these older, forgotten fantasy books.

The why behind the Instagram posts.

After researching other Bookstagrams, I decided I didn’t want mine to be similar. I wanted more community engagement, so I asked questions, shared my list of fantasy books I have read, and shared my thoughts on anything related to books. I have plenty more ideas for this that I didn’t accomplish during this class.

The why behind the 4th channel.

A natural progression of loving books is wanting to share that love with others. The best way to do this is by creating a book club. So, I began thinking about platforms that have groups. The first platform I thought of was Facebook. In book clubs, you usually choose a book based on popular opinion and then read and discuss it together. So, each of my posts leads to this. The first post I made explained the reason behind the book group. Then, I introduced myself as the group leader. We then enter into the content. I started by introducing the book of the month.

Next was a poll to choose the next book so people had time to vote. I then argued that there needed to be other ways to engage. I decided to add a discussion on people’s favorite books and have the top 3 most liked books be in the next poll. Finally, I would send out a reminder to finish reading the book and share their opinions in the previous post, where I asked some questions and invited others to do the same.


Create a Facebook group to engage with the community and share a love of books. This helps my overall brand by providing more content to supplement my other platforms and giving me another avenue of engagement.



Michaela Brown
Michaela Brown Portfolio

Web Design and UI/UX Designer. Interaction Design Bachelors degree 2020.