Modura- eCommerce

A clothing brand designed for trendy men and women between 18 and 25 years old. An affordable solution for business casual clothing.


Problem :

Modura is a startup that needs help building its brand’s identity and mobile app.

Project Goals :

  • Create a logo design
  • Create a style tile that aligns with the brand’s identity
  • Build 3 screens (Sign in/Sign up, Home, Detail item)

Logo Design

The challenge was to create a memorable logo that fit the brand and worked for mobile and desktop. I wanted my design to be simple, so I went with a Wordmark and made the letters progressively bigger to add a fun element. I also checked what it would look like on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Style Tile


Sign In/Sign Up Screen

Home Screen

Detail Item Screen



Michelle Arevalo's Portfolio
Michelle Arevalo

Hi I am a freelancer and student studying New Media Design at Rochester Institute of Technology.