They say coding is hard, but writing or creating video tutorials about it is way harder

Michie Riffic
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2016

If you ask most developers would they like to do documentation, they probably would say no. Documentation of work is such a boring task to do compared to programming. A task where you have to indicate things one by one in order for others to have a chance to understand your work and provide ways on how to use it and so on. But definitely, it is essential.

Sharing your knowledge is just like documenting what you know. Even though you want to share it, writing about it or creating videos about it takes so much time. Two to five minutes of coding time takes you more than 1–2 hours to finish writing about it or editing the final video.

Explaining it to someone is way easier than writing or creating a video about it.

Because when you start writing or creating videos about it, so much time is wasted on thinking about:

What are the best ways that I can do in order for me as the writer or as a video creator to express what I wanted to say? Who are my audience, do they understand what I am saying or should I go more basic so I can include everybody? What are the other possible ways that this project or procedure can be done? Should I include that in? Is my grammar correct? Again, are there better ways to explain this, so forth and so on?

The consciousness of creating or writing something perfect starts popping in your head. The questions are endless, making it hard for you to finalize everything.

In the end, you’ll realize that time flew by so fast and has consumed most of your day. To end this, you ask yourself: Are you happy about this? Should I publish this or not? Sometimes you give up and decide not to publish it anymore, other times you feel it’s good enough to be out there.

Currently, I’m pushing myself to write and create videos so I can share to others what I know. It’s always hard when you are starting. It’s either you don’t know where to start or you are procrastinating if your work is good enough.

Kudos to all the writers and video creators who spend their time sharing their knowledge to others via writing online or saving it on video. Thank you so much.

Two minutes read. One hour trying to write and to finalize this thought. LOL

