FinTech Terms from A to Z

An article for the budding FinTech enthusiast

Megan Worrel
Michigan FinTech
5 min readDec 12, 2018


FinTech has been trending recently with buzzwords such as cryptocurrency and machine learning appearing in the news and popular culture. Although these topics may seem complex at first, breaking down the jargon makes the new technology and processes much easier to understand. FinTech is defining the future of finance — how we will save, invest, lend, etc. To help you stay in the know and improve your FinTech vocabulary, we have compiled a list of useful FinTech terms and companies.

A — Avant

  • A FinTech company that offers personal loans
  • Amount can range from $2,000 to $35,000 and is paid back at a fixed rate

B — Blockchain

  • Technology used to record cryptocurrency transactions, commonly called a “ledger”
  • Information from each transaction is stored in a “block” which is added to the “chain” and made viewable to the public

C — Cryptocurrencies

  • Digital currency that is “mined” (see hash code)
  • Uses blockchain to record transactions made with the currency
  • Many different types: bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, zcash

D — Data (big data)

  • With the advent of new technology, larger and larger datasets are being collected
  • Big data refers to these large datasets that require more complex data processing systems than previously

E — eCommerce

  • Taking the act of buying and selling from traditional brick-and-mortar stores to the Internet
  • Examples: Amazon, Warby Parker, eBay
  • Most companies now have an online presence or have integrated eCommerce into their business operations

F — FinTech

  • Of course, it’s imperative to know what the word “FinTech” itself truly encompasses
  • At its most general level, FinTech is simply the cross between finance and technology
  • The term can be applied to a multitude of different areas — cryptocurrencies, automated investing, financial apps, etc.

G — Greensky

  • A company that facilitates home improvement loans
  • Greensky acts as a “middleman” as it provides loans to customers and then pays the home contractors directly, effectively taking traditional banks/credit unions out of the picture

H — Hash Code

  • A unique identifier given to blocks in blockchain
  • The information in each block must be verified before joining the chain and given a unique hash code
  • Whichever computer is first to identify a new hash code to be assigned to the new block is given bitcoin — this is how bitcoin is “mined”

I — Insurtech

  • A general term for new technology created in the insurance industry

J — J. P. Morgan

  • According to, “JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a leading global financial services firm and one of the largest banking institutions in the United States, with operations worldwide.”

K — Kabbage

  • Provide quick access to loans that come with relatively high interest rates
  • Kabbage is especially tailored toward small business owners
  • Loans can be up to $250,000 and typically must be paid back within a year

L — Lemonade

  • An insurance company that adds social awareness to its transactions
  • Lemonade charges customers a flat fee and donates leftover unclaimed premiums to a charity of the customer’s choosing at the end of the year

M — Machine learning

  • Closely linked with big data, machine learning involves using algorithms to analyze datasets
  • The “learning” involves programming the machines to autonomously make improvements to its own functioning

N — Nerdwallet

  • Offer financial advice to help the general public navigate difficult financial decisions
  • From loans to credit cards to tax code changes, Nerdwallet helps explain the gritty details in layman’s terms

OOpen banking

  • A term describing systems created according to regulations that require financial institutions to post important customer information and giving consumers a way to communicate personal financial information to these institutions
  • Concept created in the customer’s best interest and uses a decentralized system of API’s

P — Paypal

  • Founded by Elon Musk, is a well-known company allowing consumers to make online payments
  • Paypal now has an app and PayPal.Me feature which lets users split payments among groups of people

Q — Qapital

  • A banking app (available on ios and android) used for saving, investing, budgeting, etc.

R — Robo advisors

  • Robo advisors use algorithms to automate investing or provide financial advice
  • A less expensive and readily available alternative to traditional financial advisors

S — Square

  • Square has created a device which reads and processes credit card transactions
  • The square credit card reader can be attached to a person’s device
  • Square also offers loans to small businesses based on previous sales made using Square technology and allows these loans to be repaid using a percentage of subsequent sales using the Square card reader

T — Tala

  • According to their website, Tala is working to bring financial services to areas of the world previously without
  • Tala’s app provides customers with immediate loan approval decisions using, according to their website, data such as “social connections, texts and calls, merchant transactions, app usage, and personal identifiers” to “verify identity and assess creditworthiness”

U — Unicorns

  • Innovative, entrepreneurial companies seeking to transform the industries they enter
  • As Fintech is an emerging area upsetting the traditional financial industry, there are many FinTech “unicorns” hoping to capture the future of FinTech

V — Venmo

  • A mobile app available on ios and android that allows users to make payments to other users
  • These payments can be made by linking a Venmo account to a debit card or bank account

W — Wealthfront

  • A personal finance company using robo-advising to make investment decisions
  • Marketed specifically for millennials
  • Advise customers on the best ways to save

X — X Financial

  • A growing, top FinTech company in China
  • X Financial matches creditworthy borrowers with the growing number of willing investors, specifically focusing on personal finance

Y — Y-Combinator

  • A startup accelerator company
  • A silicon valley incubator, YC funds and mentors these startups
  • Has supported many successful companies such as Weebly, Airbnb, and Dropbox

Z — ZCash

  • A cryptocurrency like bitcoin
  • Uses blockchain, but ensures total anonymity of customers (amount and identity are concealed) unlike the publicly available bitcoin transactions

