Easy Satellite API

Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2018

OrbitalViews (https://orbital-views.appspot.com/) enables developers and researchers to use satellite data without the hassle of designing, building, and maintaining a custom technology stack. We developed a full tech stack which includes machine learning, cloud detection, various indices, georeferencing, atmospheric correction and an easy API which can be accessed by various programming languages like Python or R.

Himalaya March 2017

OrbitalViews takes care of everything and let you focus on your analysis or software. No need to deal with various earth observation issues. Have you ever tried to download, crop and create a satellite image with a GIS tool ? This is a time-consuming task but with OrbitalViews it is just a matter of minutes.

Water Needs (Saudi Arabia)

This API is still in development and I would be happy to get feedback. Try it :-) https://orbital-views.appspot.com/ I will describe various functionalities of the API and post some Python examples in the upcoming months. The first python client with some examples can be cloned from https://github.com/michl-in-pan/orbitalviews ….Stay tuned for a new update :-)




Satellite Data in a Box - Innovating Agriculture with Big Data from Space