Album cover for Kan Kick’s Kan Cassette Vol. 2. (Credit: Bandcamp)

Micro-Chopping 104 Jammin’ Ass Instrumentals Part 2: 4 Hours and 51 Minutes of Nonstop Musical Bliss

Gino Sorcinelli
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


I found myself in a bit of dilemma this past November. The more I interviewed producers and wrote articles for Micro-Chop, the more amazing instrumental music I discovered. Before long the number of albums and artists I found myself listening to far exceeded my article writing speed.

I wanted to find a way to share all of this great music without cheapening my writing by rushing out a new piece about every single artist that caught my ear. I also wanted to give my readers an immersive, slow burn listening experience. So I decided to make a big, diverse playlist featuring some of my favorite beats.

Micro-Chopping 104 Jammin’ Ass Instrumentals Part 2 — the title kinda speaks for itself.

I started compiling instrumentals at a feverish pace with one rule in mind: every single song had to be from a different producer — no repeats. At first I figured I’d compile, 50, 60, maybe 70 instrumentals at most. Before I knew it I had 104. And I didn’t want to cut out a single one.

The playlist quickly become one of the best-received and most shared Micro-Chop playlists of all time. Because of the massive response I decided to make 104-beat instrumental playlists a semi-regular Micro-Chop feature.

About a month ago I started putting together a second edition of my 104-beat playlist series. This time, I sought to increase my reader engagement by asking people to share their hardest beats with me. In a matter of days I’d received hundreds of submissions. I wasn’t able to include all of them here, but a substantial amount made the final cut.

I hope the playlist serves as a musical gateway of sorts — a way for you to explore different branches of the instrumental family tree. And if a certain song or producer really blows you away, I kindly ask you to think about something you can do to support their work.

I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as I enjoyed making it. And for all my producers reading this, I’m already working on a third edition. Keep sending me stuff.

If you enjoyed this piece, please consider following my Micro-Chop and Bookshelf Beats publications or donating to the Micro-Chop Patreon page. You can also read my work at HipHopDX or follow me on Twitter.



Gino Sorcinelli

Freelance journalist @Ableton, ‏@HipHopDX, @okayplayer, @Passionweiss, @RBMA, @ughhdotcom + @wearestillcrew. Creator of and @bookshelfbeats.