The cover art for Count Bass D’s ‘Handshake vs. Dap’ album.

The Micro-Chop Daily X #29

A Micro-Chop playlist featuring 10 hand-picked instrumentals — every single day for an entire year.

Gino Sorcinelli
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2018


One amazing and somewhat surprising benefit of doing a daily playlist is how quickly the playlists have helped us expand our community. When you try to write about beats and a producers in a meaningful way, you quickly realize that no matter how much you think you know, you know nothing. There are so many talented people out there that you just don’t know about yet. The Micro-Chop Daily X playlists have helped me discover some more of them.

The MIcro-Chop Daily X #28 — ten hand-picked instrumentals for your listening pleasure.

As The Micro-Chop Daily X idea spreads around the internet a little bit, our Twitter account has swelled by about 800 new supports in the past 29 days. This is obviously a very encouraging sign for a site that’s still getting its legs and figuring out a way to be sustainable. And as the numbers have grown, so has the engagement. There are producers from all over adding their voice to the conversation.

While people continue to engage with the articles, playlists, and threads that we post, I’ve noticed that some of the most active participants are also really gifted producers. This was the case when I checked out Stxn.x’s discography as well as some work by Loud Thought, two additions to today’s Daily X playlist. These guys have some serious heat and have also been avid readers of some of my most recent work on the Twitter feed.

In addition to highlighting some active people in the Micro-Chop community, this weeks playlist also gave me an excuse to re-revisit a favorite from Micro-Chop interviewee Count Bass D. The Count has such interesting and incredible sample chops and I love when he messes with some nice vocal samples. His vocal sample slicing is on full display on “Drowning in Your Love”, which is included here.

I’ve also been in love with the gorgeous vocal sample SPELLWRKS utilizes on “Think 2wice”, a song I had slated for a still-unfinished 104-beat playlist.

Finally, before I sign off from today’s article, I have a question for folks: I’m considering experimenting with doing single producer Daily X playlists. In other words, doing Daily X playlists that feature 10 beats by one producer. I’m still on the fence about it, so I’d love to have your feedback as a reader if you have any.

The twenty-ninth playlist in The Micro-Chop Daily X series features the following artists, with each name hyperlinked to bring you directly to their Bandcamp, SoundCloud, or website: DJ Platurn, Stxn.x, Loud Thought, Suzi Analogue, Seneca B, Count Bass D, SPELLWRKS, Georgia Anne Muldrow, RyNea Soul, K, Le Maestro.

Be on the lookout for The Micro-Chop Daily X #30 dropping tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this piece, please consider following my Micro-Chop and Bookshelf Beats publications or donating to the Micro-Chop Patreon page. You can also read my work at HipHopDX or follow me on Twitter.



Gino Sorcinelli

Freelance journalist @Ableton, ‏@HipHopDX, @okayplayer, @Passionweiss, @RBMA, @ughhdotcom + @wearestillcrew. Creator of and @bookshelfbeats.