Applying Growth Hacking to your Micro Marketing

micro marketing
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2016

Growth hacking is a buzzword (some say a mindset) to describe the use of creative marketing methods being used to achieve growth, of any sort.

where to start with growth hacking?

Make sure you know what you want to grow. Types of growth for micro businesses can be but not limited to:

1. Increase in website visitors

2. Increase in app downloads

3. Increase in registered users

4. Email list subscriber increase

5. Social media following increase

6. Increase in number of content views and downloads

what makes growth hacking worthwhile?

Being able to grow your business in the most cost effective way is always going to be worthwhile. If you’re looking to grow your business then growth hacking techniques should be on your to do list.

Growth hacking requires knowledge of advanced marketing techniques coupled with an ability to analyse data from sources like Google Analytics. The purpose of growth hacking is to find a creative marketing method that is low cost, effective and rewarding.

how can I apply growth hacking to my business?

Growth hacking can be achieved through the following tactics:

Pull Tactics

  • Blogging and guest blogging
  • Podcasts
  • eBooks
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • Slideshares
  • Technical SEO (schema/rich snippets)
  • Social media activity
  • Competitions and contests
  • Online reviews
  • Influencer relationships

Push Tactics

  • Paid ads (PPC)
  • Paid social ads (FB/Twitter/LinkedIn/Instagram)
  • Retargeting ads

Persuasive Tactics

  • Landing pages
  • Copywriting
  • Call to actions
  • Gamification (progress bars/leaderboards)
  • Pricing (free trials/discounts/bundling)

Retain Tactics

  • Social media engagement
  • Email newsletters
  • Curating content
  • Push notifications

where can I find growth hackers?

Choosing a growth hacker can be difficult if you only have a small team. Ideally a technical marketer would be the best person to help you with growth hacking, however, put a developer and a marketer in the room and between them they’ll be able to discuss what’s possible.

where can I find out more about growth hacking?

Talk to us! We have developers who can help grow your business through Javascript and Python programming and marketers to create ideas that make it happen.

Originally published at on March 16, 2016.

