Is Long-Vax Syndrome Real? I Performed A Meta-Analysis And Critical Literature Review To Find Out

Whether this syndrome is real or not depends on how you interpret the evidence and define this syndrome.

Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts


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In early 2022, Science journal published a controversial article titled “In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms,” which stirred both the scientific-medical community and the general public. It shed light on the uncomfortable risk of Covid vaccines triggering long-lasting symptoms mirroring those of long-Covid.

Now, this narrative has grown stronger. A new piece, published again by Science, titled “Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance,” reinforced the earlier report.

A wave of recognition spread across the media as other news outlets also covered this news. The anti-vaccine camps were thrilled, obviously, feeling as if their long-held beliefs were finally being validated.

But are there any truths in this newfound long-vax syndrome?

Let’s dive into the available evidence and find out. I’ll first describe the current evidence, including data left uncovered by the media, followed by a meta-analysis and critical appraisal of…



Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts

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