Most Long-Covid Biomarkers Are Not That Useful, But One Truly Stands Out

My observations as an academic who has published in this area.

Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts


Image adapted from DALL-E.

Each time a major study announces the discovery of new biomarkers for long-Covid, the news rapidly ignites across media platforms, sparking widespread excitement that we may finally be able to test whether someone truly has long-Covid or not.

But are things that simple? Will science finally reach a point where a simple blood test can determine a long-Covid diagnosis? I find these questions tricky to answer, which is why I’m writing about them.

Recently, several important long-Covid biomarker studies have been published in top academic journals like Nature, Science, and Cell. Even I’ve also published in this area, specifically a meta-analysis of over 20 potential biomarkers of long-Covid. I’ll delve into these studies with a critical eye to understand what they mean in the real, clinical context.

Author’s note: Feel free to skip to the last section for the main takeaways.

Biomarker 1: Complement proteins

The latest long-Covid biomarker study, titled “Persistent complement dysregulation with signs of thromboinflammation in active Long Covid,” was published in Science earlier…



Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts

Independent science writer and researcher | Named Standford's world top 1% scientists | Medium's boost nominator | Elite Powerlifter | Ghostwriter | Malaysian