mRNA Vaccine, Cardiac Death, and Myocarditis Among Young Men: Solving the Controversy

Yes, the mRNA vaccine (especially Moderna’s) increases the risk of myocarditis substantially in young men, but not cardiac death.

Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts


Image adapted from

I was appalled when I first read the news about the analysis published by the Florida Department of Health earlier this month, finding a staggering 84% increased risk of cardiac-related death among 18–39-year-old males within 28 days of getting the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.

As a result, the Department and State Surgeon General now advise against using mRNA vaccines in this population. But is this advice sound? What’s with all the controversy between mRNA vaccine and the heart? And, in the end, is the benefit-risk ratio of mRNA vaccine in young men justified?

The Florida analysis is highly flawed

Earlier this month, the Florida Department of Health released an unpublished analysis — i.e., not formally published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The authors, unnamed, analyzed the dataset of Florida residents (≥18 years) who died within 25 weeks of getting the Covid-19 vaccine since the vaccine roll-out in December 2020.



Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts

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