mRNA Vaccine Stays Active in the Body Longer Than Expected, New Data Shows. But It Isn’t Dangerous.

Anti-vaccine supporters will tell you this is evidence that authorities lied about how long the mRNA vaccine last in the body.

Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts


Image adapted from

Earlier this year, a study published in Cell, a highly esteemed journal, found that the mRNA genetic material and spike protein persist in the lymph nodes of individuals who got the mRNA vaccine for up to two months.

Such findings contradict the concept of the fragile mRNA vaccine, which degrades quickly and doesn’t last long in the body, thus making long-term side effects unlikely.

This contradiction has garnered much traction on Twitter, where people are again questioning the long-term safety of the mRNA vaccine.

Now, how should we interpret this study?

To state the conclusion early, the study showed that the mRNA vaccine stays active for up to two months in the lymph nodes only, not anywhere else, not the brain, heart, ovaries, etc. Lymph nodes are one of the main sites of immunity formation, so it’s not very surprising that vaccine activities persist in the lymph nodes.

What the study did and found?



Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Microbial Instincts

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