
Pfizer’s Vaccine May Not Be as Effective at Stopping Delta as Moderna’s, New Research Suggests

Study Compares Two Popular COVID-19 Vaccines

Joe Duncan
Microbial Instincts
7 min readAug 11, 2021


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There’s been a lot of confusion about the vaccines, particularly in terms of efficacy, as the newest strain of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, rocks the United States along with the rest of the world.

Just as we were starting to get back to something that resembles real life, lurking in the backdrop was a fear that many of us shared about the spread of the new Delta variant of COVID-19. And now, Delta is the dominant strain in the United States.

Experts say it’s more than twice as contagious as the original strain of SARS-CoV-2. And as we all know, the strain was initially discovered in India where it ripped through that country, tearing the nation to shreds. Six thousand people died in a single day in India from the variant. And while regular COVID has a relatively low death rate, experts also believe the delta variant may be more deadly, with a Canadian pre-print study suggesting that it’s up to twice as deadlier as other variants.

From there, the variant made it over to the UK and eventually to the United States. At present, it’s spreading at an incredibly fast rate across



Joe Duncan
Microbial Instincts

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: