The Zero Hour

Published in
6 min readApr 19, 2022

Welcome to MicroBuddies™

My fellow GOO farmers, I am proud to present to you the next step in the evolution of the MicroBuddies ecosystem: The Genesis Collections (That’s right, plural, Collections).

Here you will find:

  • The Vision
  • Reticent Roadmap
  • Utility
  • Launch Info

The Vision

The Genesis Collections represent MicroBuddies’ entry into the collectible PFP space on Ethereum. However, this will be a far cry from your standard, run-of-the-mill PFP collection.

My vision for MicroBuddies has always been to demonstrate the power tokenized ownership can bring to the player. The Genesis Collections are designed to perfectly encapsulate this vision, as I will explain throughout this post.

Why PFP?

The MicroBuddies game is built on Polygon. We are out of sight of the mainstream NFT community — who are predominantly involved in PFP projects on Ethereum. That’s the first problem The Genesis Collections aims to solve, by creating a familiar entry point into MicroBuddies from the larger NFT ecosystem.

Over the past year and a half, I have analyzed thousands of PFP projects, been involved in dozens, witnessed every type of rug pull, and observed the motivations that create great (and not so great) projects and founders. That’s the other major reason for The Genesis Collections, to leverage my experience to produce a true value creation engine for MicroBuddies.

The Genesis Collections possesses the following unique characteristics and competitive advantages:

  • Designed by yours truly, a battle-tested Web3 native and experienced Solidity programmer overseeing a dedicated team of artists and community managers.
  • Takes a game-first approach, as opposed to the standard cookie-cutter roadmap that only promises a game.
  • Maintains a relentless focus on utility-based community access.
  • Backed by our team of senior executives with hundreds of years of combined entertainment, technology, and business experience from companies like Sony, Walmart, Ebay, AT&T, and more.

Reticent Roadmap

First and foremost, I have to reiterate that all of our utility, projects, roadmaps, and beyond are all dedicated to our community. We cannot demonstrate the power tokenized ownership can bring to the world without you.

Secondly, we are being intentionally vague with our roadmap at this stage, because I believe the element of surprise combined with a sprinkle of over-delivery is the recipe for max value. The main idea we’d like to communicate: our plan is dedicated to creating value for our holders. It stretches years into the future, but still remains agile enough to pivot and keep pace with this rapidly evolving industry.

Component 1

The Genesis Collections will be comprised of ten different premium NFT projects drawing from the MicroBuddies universe. They will be released over time, as follows:

  • The Water Bear Collection
  • The Yeast Collection
  • The Fungi Collection
  • The Virus Collection
  • The Bacteria Collection
  • The Amoeba Collection
  • The Archaea Collection
  • The Protozoa Collection
  • The Protist Collection
  • The Algae Collection

MicroBuddies natives may notice that our release order begins with the rarest MicroBuddy (Water Bear), and ends with the most common (Algae). We have chosen to use a reverse rarity release schedule for two reasons:

  1. This is a forward-looking decision. By the time we reach the final collection, The Algae Collection, The Water Bear Collection will be the oldest, and likely the rarest.
  2. Building our community is at its most difficult early on, and I can think of no better species to help garner adoption than the elusive and mysterious Water Bear.

Component 2

I have developed a roadmap for The Genesis Collections as a whole, as well as each individual collection. The focus (you guessed it): continuous value delivery. Examples of roadmap items include:

  • Mini-games
  • Events & Experiences (both virtual and physical)
  • Partnerships
  • Physical Collectibles
  • Airdrops
  • Useful Utility
  • And much more….. Soon!

Be sure to note that we will use a snapshot system for most of our roadmap delivery. Snapshots enable a very important value mechanism: rewarding holders more the longer they hold!

We will explore the first key utility of The Water Bear Collection in the “Utility” section below.

A couple of details to note:

  • Rarity (aka trait distribution) is very important to us as collectors and I plan to create entirely separate articles in the future dedicated to our plans for it.
  • Usage rights of your NFTs will be covered in future announcements!


The first utility of The Genesis Collections, starting with The Water Bear Collection, is one that ties every collection back to the core game: GOO Feeding!

What is GOO Feeding?

If you aren’t familiar with our core MicroBuddies game, it follows a simple gameplay loop: MicroBuddies produce GOO, and GOO is spent to create better MicroBuddies who produce even more GOO.

There are 10 different species of MicroBuddies. All MicroBuddies originate from one of the 2,500 original “Gen 0” buddies. All MicroBuddies have a finite amount of times they can reproduce, or “replicate”. The best MicroBuddy that can be created in a species is known as a “Divine” buddy, and there are a plethora of strategies that can be used to create one.

One problem in the game is the lack of ways GOO can be used beyond replication, which is where GOO Feeding comes in! Immediately after mint, you’ll be able to feed your Water Bear from The Water Bear Collection GOO in order to ̶R̶E̶D̶A̶C̶T̶E̶D̶.

How much GOO will you feed your Water Bear? 1,000? One million?? One billion??? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Launch Info

Here’s what we’ve got so far for our first collection, The Water Bear Collection:

  • Blockchain: Ethereum (The Genesis Collections are not for use in the MicroBuddies game on Polygon). They are stand-alone products (that can be fed GOO).
  • Supply: 5,555
  • Mint date: TBD
  • Price: Last Price Dutch Auction (Only pay the final price)
  • Creator Fee (royalty): 5%
  • Reveal: 48 hours after minting concludes

Allowlist Allocation

We intend to fully allocate (NOT over-allocate) our allowlist, and to utilize a reserve list for Water Bears who were not minted (more details in a future post!). The mint price will be 80% of the final resting price of our Last Price Dutch Auction.

Like most respectable projects nowadays, we do not support the grind meta. The grind meta is unhealthy for legitimate users and incentivizes bad actors. For this reason, we have transitioned our Discord to invite-only and pruned inactive members who were not verified-MicroBuddy holders.

Additionally, a majority of the mint list will be allocated to:

  • Collaborations with key projects & people in the space (this design does NOT allow for artificial shill marketing or social media number inflation)
  • Community engagement through mini-game participation in the Discord
  • Random giveaways

There will be a small allocation dedicated to our most active and legitimate community members, but only if they’ve obtained the “Treasure Hunter” role by completing an Easter Egg hunt in our Discord, live now.

Although there are many TBDs and unknown surprises, we can say one thing for certain:

GEN 0 MicroBuddy holders will receive a free mint (not counting gas) ❤

Surely, you didn’t think the MicroBuddies value creation engine would leave out Gen 0s?? The 2,313 Gen 0 MicroBuddies are the centerpiece of this universe from which all values flow.

Here are some important details to note:

  • When minting begins for The Water Bear Collection, each Gen 0 MicroBuddy will be able to claim one free Water Bear PFP for their holder.
  • Yes, you will be able to mint an additional Water Bear from the collection for EACH Gen 0 you own :)
  • If you purchased one of the original Nano Factory Tokens in 2021, and have not revealed your Gen 0 by the mint date, it will not be eligible for the free mint!
  • To better align, and emphasize our focus on providing value to our holders over maximizing mint revenues, we will be increasing the MicroBuddies creator fee from 5% to 7.5%. We believe the additional cost here is also offset by the lower gas fees on Polygon.
  • You can obtain an allowlist spot in addition to your free mint(s) if you wish to pursue one!

That’s all the information I have, for now! Thank you for all your interest in our project and we all really look forward to seeing you hanging out on our socials:


Discord (URL valid for first 100 joins): ̶h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶d̶i̶s̶c̶o̶r̶d̶.̶g̶g̶/̶H̶Z̶p̶V̶8̶D̶H̶c̶

