A Desperate Message

All the way from the moon to the earth

Nanji Erode
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

For the first time in my life, I was scared of death.

I had been living on the moon for the last three weeks. It was part of NASA’s moon exploration program to study the feasibility of setting up a colony. I was staying in a small makeshift cabin with enough water and food to last for ten weeks. It was a lonely life, but I occupied myself driving around and conducting various experiments.

This morning I left my cabin and drove the lunar rover for twenty feet when the surface of the moon shook violently. I turned back and saw my cabin coming crashing down. The quake lasted only forty-five seconds, but it took away everything. All my water was gone, food was damaged, and the communication equipment was wrecked.

Suddenly, I was standing there, all alone, with nothing to drink or eat and unable to communicate with the earth.

I typically talk to the mission control once a week, and I had just talked to them the previous night, so it would be at least a week before they would realize I needed help. I could stay inside my rover for a week, but I couldn’t survive for a week without water.

I had to find a way to communicate with the earth. Now.

And that’s when I noticed the rover’s sharp tracks on the fine lunar dust.

When Emily, an amateur astronomer, turned her telescope to the southern part of the moon on a clear warm night, she saw a strange pattern that she had never seen before. She rotated the focus knob to get a clear view, and what she saw made her gasp and jump out of the chair.

There were four tiny fuzzy letters-




Published in Microcosm

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Nanji Erode
Nanji Erode

Written by Nanji Erode

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.