Mysterious Mythical Creature Fantasy with Pirates, Dragons and Superpowers!

A King's Mission

The dragon swam up alongside, breathing blue flames into the air

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Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2021


Golden Dragon
Image by Josch13 from Pixabay

We’d been at sea for one year, two months, three weeks and four days before the ocean dragon appeared.

For quite some time I had been in my cabin— sick, as the swell of the waves tossed around our large trawler as if she was a featherweight dinghy. Eventually my sea legs emerged, and I was able to join the others on daily lookout, just in time to spot the pie eyed pirates before they began their attack. Armed with my built-in laser fingertip superpower, I sent the scoundrels running below deck with a few sharp aimed beams.

That very day, the shimmering, golden dragon peacefully swam alongside our boat — breathing blue flames into the air. The same creature many men had spent a lifetime searching for. We were the lucky ones. The chosen few. Jock began taking photos with a blink of his right eye, as the rest of us were giddy with awe.

I am not sure how long the majestic beast graced us with their presence, as time appeared to have no meaning. But the next morning we changed our course and returned home as heroes — the king’s mission finally complete.



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Freelance Writer/Editor 💜 Adoptee / Proud Mum / Like growing things, coffee & hens