August Theme: Rings of Conflict

We begin with the core, and then we expand outward, striking out against every obstacle set upon us.

Zane Dickens the Instigator


Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

We may not like conflict, and we may even avoid it.

As writers, we, at least stereotypically, tend to be homebody dreamers away from the chaos and hurly-burly of the world. Watching and looking and noodling around with thoughts and grand ideas. Lost in the building gossamer of castles, only to have them blown apart by the stiff breeze of distraction. Or perhaps that’s just me.

But conflict, that’s the spice of a story.

By N. C. Wyeth — The Boy‘s King Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory‘s History of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, Edited for Boys by Sidney Lanier (New York, Charles Scribner‘s Sons, 1922). Scanned by Dave Pape., Public Domain,

The contrast of ideas and values, the clashing of ways of being. The struggle against an unjust society or an outdated set of norms. The brave battling against a harsh and unforgiving environment or the dawning realisation that we’re the aggressor and The Land* is wounded.

Our world is full of conflict. Much of it unjust, and much of it unnecessary. Most of it is perhaps inseparable from what it means to be human. Our conflicted nature or our pervasive need to create Us and Them.

This month we’ll dive into…



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at