Feeling Blue

An unexpected hero saves the day

Mark Stuart Farrar
Published in
1 min readJun 19, 2021


Image by slightly_different from Pixabay; edited by author

I no longer know what day it is. Only that I have been plucked from the jaws of certain death.

Sadly, not by my beloved Mr Darcy, but by a stranger wearing the oddest costume. And those eyes! Limpid pools of blue I want to dive into.

I feel such a hussy, forsaking Fitzwilliam for a man I do not know — we’ve not even been introduced.

But the heart chooses what the heart wants.

“Come with me, young lady, if you wish to live.”

“Willingly, gallant sir.”

A rhythmic thumping assaulted my ears. Then he dragged me across the sands.

This Follow-The-Leader story is in response to Paul Mansfield’s story:

…which was in response to Ana Echeagaray’s story:



Mark Stuart Farrar

IT professional turned entrepreneur and writer. Creator of the Medium Bookmark Manager. Free newsletters: TheCorporateHamsterWheel.com and DEServedHealth.news