Fool me once

Andy G. One
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2022
Photo by Leonardo Sanches on Unsplash

“Doctor? Doctor Hubber, are you ok?”, asked Chloe. Ralf peered into the open skull of the patient he was operating on. He couldn’t pull his stare off of it.
“Yes, everything is fine, let’s clean this up and call it a day.”
Recently Ralf has been absent, at work, but also at home. His wife Julie, which he met in college, couldn’t hold it against him. Many of his patients died and people blamed the doctor.
This was no surprise, as Julie was the policyholder of the only insurance company in town. People started talking, gossiping, how he let them die, so Julie and Ralf could make a fortune on the life insurances.

Ralf couldn’t deal with the shame and guilt, so he started using. Only morphine could give him comfort. After his first patient died, he used occasionally, but soon the guilt drove him over the edge.

He started to stay in his office for hours on end, even after his shift ended, getting blasted beyond words. This day was no different, his shift was already over, it started to get late.
Chloe also stayed and mustered her courage to go and see him. ‘knock, knock’, Chloes heart was racing. “Come on in.”, said Ralf.
Chloe opened the door with hesitation, standing in the doorway, she asked with a melodic voice, “hey Ralf, are you ok?”
Ralf sat in his chair, rubbing his shoulders. Without looking at her he answered, “Yes, I’m fine. Do you need anything?”
Chloe stepped inside and closed the door. As she walked over to him, she said “well, i thought that maybe, you need some company?”
She grabbed his shoulders and started massaging him. A low moan of relief escaped from Ralf. “Oh Ralf, you are as stiff as stone!” Chloe leaned forward, pressing her breasts against the back of his head. Her hand slipped from one shoulder to the first button of his shirt and she undid it. With an elegant motion, she slipped her hand into his shirt, stroking his muscular chest.

My breasts against his chest, she thought.

Then she startled. Ralf grabbed her hand firmly, pushed her aside and growled “What are you doing? Get out! I need to be alone.” Chloe stared at him in disbelief, but left without a word.

-Finally alone-

Ralf pulled a syringe out and a bottle of morphine. He prepared the shot and injected himself with a steady hand.

Today i will double shoot, fuck it.

The fast onset is what got him hooked, the warmth, the metallic taste in the back of his mouth, the heaviness in his limbs, it was like a warm summer rain.
Ralf kept nodding in and out of conciousness, he was not aware that Chloe was here again.
“Why did you reject me?”, she cried. Ralf, hanging on on the last glimmer of wakefullness, looked up to her. “You said you love me, you said you will marry me!”, she croaked.
“Chloe.., what.. are you.. talking.. about.” Ralf could barely hold his eyes open.
“Don’t you remember? In college you said you love me! I even killed all those patients of yours, just for you to have a reason, to start an affair!” Chloe stared at him expectantly.
“Clair..?” he gasped, “You did what?”
Ralf tried to stand up, but fell from his chair, like a sack of potatoes.
“Listen, it was.. a one night.. stand” he groaned, “it meant nothing.”
“But to me it meant everything, you bastard chose that whore Julie, whom every boy wanted to fuck, over ME!”

Clair didn’t hesitate any longer, she pulled a piece of cloth form her jacket and a small bottle filled with chloroform. She poured some on the cloth and quickly let Ralf take a sniff. He colapsed to the floor with labored breathing.
She pushed him on to his back, pulled out a syringe full of morphine and looked at the tip of the needle, as a single drop of the drug came out of it.

His breathing, shallow and labored, eyes teary and not able to speak.
While pushing the needle into his arm, among the many needle marks he already had, she looked him in the eyes. For a moment she hesitated, then she pushed the plunger as hard as she could. Ralfs eyes rolled back into his skull, his breathing stopped, life slowly faded, while his lips took on a blueish hue.

Claire picked up the mess she made, rushing to her car, but not fast enough to raise suspicion.
Now she was driving to the southern edge of town up the hill, where the whole town could be seen from up above.

Getting out of the car, she lit herself a cigarette and leaned with her back against the car.

“Is it done?”

“Yes, it’s done.”

“Is it clean?”

“Of course it’s clean Julie, I’m no amateur. Everyone will think he was a junkie, that he took his life because of the guilt, it’s done and it’s clean. What about the money from the insurances?”

“Don’t worry, it goes over foreign bank accounts. It’s untraceable, we are safe.”said Julie.

“All right”, Claire tossed her cigarette and stepped it out “i need to leave the country, in case any suspicions arise.”

“Can we see each other again?” asked Julie.

“Don’t be stupid, we are best friends since third grade. I just need to lay low for a while. Only thing you have to do is to play the gireving wife.”

Julie smiled, “that will be the hardest part. Come here girl, give me a hug-goodbye”

While they were hugging, Clair grabbed a syringe from her jacket and thrusted it into Julies leg. Julie went limb, falling to her knees.
“You took him from me, even now he rejected me because of you!”

Clair kicked Julie over the edge, and drove off, heading to the airport.

One bitch down! Barbara, you little slut, you’re next!

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Andy G. One

Let me take you through my museum of consciousness