March Theme: Cliffhangers

Did that story just leave you hanging?

Zane Dickens the Instigator


A small child stands by an open door and it looks like there is a menacing shadow waiting for her.
Children in Jeopardy by MJ & Me, starring the style of Guillermo del Toro

A door opens in front of you and as you step through it,
a voice screams overhead through tinny speakers.

Welcome to the world of serial fiction,

where the stakes are high,

the pacing is intense,

and the readers are waiting

for the next installment.

It breaks off, and a calm figure gestures for you to take a seat.

This month

We’ll be dive into (and over?) one of the most useful tools in a writer’s arsenal: the cliffhanger.

Whether you’re writing a novel, a web comic, or a TV series, cliffhangers can be key to keeping your audience engaged and invested in your story.

So buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the art of suspense and the thrill of the unknown.

What are Cliffhangers?

You know what they are, a storytelling device that leaves the audience hanging on the edge of their seat, wondering what will happen next.



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at