✍️ Writing Prompt

Only Your Lover Truly Knows How to Hurt You

Weekly Prompt 4/4 for August focusing on dialogue



An impressionist style image of a couple fighting.
“If looks could kill.” an artful generation by Zane Dickens

“I’m not going to let you do this to me. Not again…”

Overheard this in the middle of an argument between a young couple.

They were both red in the face and very animated, but I couldn’t quite hear what they were arguing about.

Could have been anything…

Microcosm Divider by Zane Dickens


  1. 100–1000 words for the story bits.
  2. Tag your story as you like, e.g. Fiction or Flash Fiction
    But don’t use Writing Prompts please.
  3. 🙏 link back to the prompt so others can find it too.

New here? Here’s how to write with us.

Microcosm — Tell Your Story Divider by Zane Dickens

What if we could redesign fiction?




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