Oppression in the Shadows

Rising Hope and the Crushing Reality of Corruption

Umut Çalışkan
2 min readApr 28, 2023


Pexel İmage

In the world of darkness, there was no respite from the misery that pervaded every corner of life. The streets were shrouded in a dense fog of pollution, as the sun rarely broke through the thick clouds that blanketed the sky. The crumbling buildings were coated in grime, while the barren earth beneath them was cracked and lifeless.

The government, corrupt to the core, ruled with an iron fist, with the wealthy and powerful living in opulent towers high above the squalor of the masses. The people struggled to survive, with no hope of ever rising above their station. They were oppressed, living in a constant state of fear, knowing that the slightest misstep could result in harsh punishment at the hands of the corrupt police force.

But there were those who dared to dream of a better world, who sought to rise up against the darkness that surrounded them. They banded together, a ragtag group of rebels who refused to give up hope. They fought for freedom, for justice, for the chance to live in a world where their voices could be heard.

Their resistance was not in vain, as they succeeded in gaining a foothold. But the government struck back with a fierce and brutal force, crushing the rebellion and quashing any hope of change.

The rebels were left broken and defeated, their dreams shattered by the harsh reality of the world they lived in. The people were left to suffer, with no hope for a better future. The darkness had won, consuming all hope and light in its path.

In the world of darkness, there is no light,

No hope or joy to guide us through the night.

The shadows grow long, and the air grows thick,

As the weight of the darkness makes our spirits sick.

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