Pink Room

The room should have been special.

3 min readAug 22, 2022


White baby shoes with a red outline sit on a perfectly made fluffy white bed.
Photo by Luis Soto on Unsplash

The Gentro Park was heavily wooded, and thus when I found the man in black, sitting on a bench somewhat off the main path for wanderers, I felt somewhat inclined to stay and see what he was doing — an action I somewhat regret to this day. He sat hunched over, looking directly at the ground, an earbud in his left ear, presumably for speaking to someone else.

He paused a moment at my arrival, and I believed he knew I was there for a second. However, he went back to speaking to someone listening through the earbud.

“Yeah… the room is back to how it used to look like, a blue home office — it’s been 3 and a bit months, one of my friends said he would make the room ‘normal’ again… No, I didn’t have the strength to fight him. His generosity at making it a perfectly normal-” He spat the word out as though it were one of the forest’s many flies, “room was just… I let him, that’s all I want to say. I haven’t gone in there, why?…”

He fell silent, then softly said “Why do you say that? — No, I feel like we took her out of our life way too soon. We should have waited at least a few more months — but we already just-… No, we gave away the stuff we had to remember her to another baby, he needed it. I feel so much regret already, but everyone says we’ve done the right thing. I don’t know if we have.
We should have kept Helen’s stuff — we should have more time to remember.”

He fell silent for a moment, studying the ground so carefully I thought he could have remembered months from the moment the specific location of every individual pebble and dust particle.

Eventually, he nodded grimly. “I-I just wish that-” his voice caught up in his throat and he paused a moment, “that we got to at least feel her life before she was taken from Patty and me by God, his powerful plan needed her… I don’t want to continue, no. I’ll just get out of this bench now. See you, I guess.”

He got up and slowly hobbled, then walked, through some trees. I didn’t feel any urge to follow him, so I know naught about the fate of him. I hope occasionally to this day, however, that man does well in whatever he does.

This is very short compared to what I normally like writing, but this was a story I knew I had to write the moment I thought of it — and reading through this website only sealed its creation further. The Star Legacy Foundation is a foundation dedicated to stillbirth, you may donate to it if you wish. I have also previously written about my thoughts on death, if you wish to read it. The writing prompt this is based off is here.

Farewell, reader.




Come some or come all — and the Author shall tell to you his notes of observation and fiction. Great joy to him an Audience is — oh, the Greatest Joy!