Reflecting With My Mentor

The best mentor is one who truly knows you

Stefan Grieve
2 min readJan 21, 2023


Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

After a week of being stalked by a phone call from any device I happened to be near for a week, I finally answered the call:

“What is it?”

“Ah, so you’ve finally decided to listen, that is so like you,” came the reply, catching what I thought was disappointment even through the distortion of the voice.

“Is that to do with a letter I got? Signed by the Mentor Division?”

“Yes. You have been chosen. You should be pleased.”

“And who are you?”

A pause. “Your mentor, of course.”

And I got no more information than that. As I, Alex Green, continued my life of ups and downs, not unlike any other, I found it improving with the advice of my mysterious mentor.

“Not too bad, am I?” came the voice through the phone in the phone box that rang when I walked past one day.

“You’ve helped me so much,” I said. “You seem to know just what to say. But I have so many questions…”

The phone hung up again. Typical.

One day when I was in my office, as a successful middle-aged man, my mainline phone went off. I answered it.

“Hello,” came the familiar digitalised voice.

“Thank god it’s you! It's been so long! I followed your advice, I’m such a success but I’ve missed you. Maybe not your weird cryptic voice, but — ”

“Yes,” a pause. “It’s me.”

“Is something wrong?”

“I want you to know that I am very proud of you. Only we know what you have been through. What we have fought for. There is no more time to talk about reflecting, however. It's time for me to go.”

“Go? When will you be back?”


The phone made a digital screech for the first time, then silence. That was the last time I heard their voice.

Many years later, I entered my retirement as a wealthy and beloved family man. That’s when I had a knock at my front door.

“We are from the Mentor Division,” said the suited man, “your time has begun.”

And they passed me a mobile phone. It had a very familiar name on it, “What does this —?”

The man smiled. “The phone can call people in the past.”



Stefan Grieve

British writer based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Chairperson of writing group ‘’Wakefield Word.’