Representative Evil

Places of power

Rob Eggers
1 min readOct 30, 2021


Photo by Yael Clusman on Unsplash

The old man pulled on his pipe and leaned closer. “I tell you nothing good comes from that house,” he said as wisps of smoke escaped his mouth.

“Come on, that's not fair…,” I started, but he continued.

“You name me another house that has caused so much harm and prevented so much good. There is something evil in that place that turns good people bad.”

Leaning back, he continued.

“It twists and perverts good intentions to its own ends… nothing good can come from that house,” he said, enthusiastically stabbing his pipe in the direction of Capitol Hill.

I hope you enjoyed this piece, feel free to check out my other stories and leave some feedback.

Thank you to Zane Dickens and Paul Mansfield for the prompt.

