✍️ Writing Prompt

Random Things Happen and Sometimes You Just Have to Run With It

Weekly Prompt 1/4 for August on Dialogue



“Feeling a little peckish?” an artful generation by Zane Dickens
“Feeling a little peckish?” an artful generation by Zane Dickens

Jillian, tweeted this a few days ago and I couldn’t resist the perfect prompt serendipitously popping up in my feed.

I can’t give you any more information, but maybe Jillian can?

Although any healthy imagination can take this one and just run with it.

A tweet found in the wild coincidentally perfect. All rights belong to Jillian Spiridon.


  1. 100–1000 words for the story bits.
  2. Tag your story as you like, e.g. Fiction or Flash Fiction
    But don’t use Writing Prompts please.
  3. 🙏 link back to the prompt so others can find it too.

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