The Call Up

Can you be the best you can be? If not, try something new!

Thomas Mullen
2 min readJun 7, 2021


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Static hissed down the line as they watched the screen fizz in black and white. FutureYou was a new technology, and the CallWarp had not been successfully tested.

The advertisements had been sent out via the usual channels, but there had been no callers as yet. Clients, by the very nature of the business, might be easy to identify but would be difficult to locate.

“I trust you have the ID field scanner up and running?”

It was running, but still far from a perfect system. Not all citizens were signed up to the database, and those remaining to be tracked down were not often left alive.

Audible tones sang through the silence as the first call arrived. The familiar flash of light on-screen. A hooded figure turned away from the screen. “Seven four three five six five eight niner.” The code flashed on-screen, and the image on screen distorted several times. Another long hiss as static dripped down the screen, obscuring the hooded figure, who appeared to be changing colour.

Numbers changed on several of the displays.

“We have lost him.”

“What do you mean? He is still on screen!”

The hooded figure remained through the flickering static, the dark brown cloak now a shimmering ruby.

“The ID field has changed. The caller is no longer who they were before.”

The image of the cloak stalled.

“Did you write them both down?”

“Of course not! They should be stored automatically!”

“Then access the database!”

Frantic tapping on screens.


Silence as lightning ripped through veins.

“Are you? Oh. Oh no.”

The remaining Acolytes rushed to disconnect their fallen brother.

“You all understand what this means, don’t you? We have to find him. It also means that we cannot do it from the Sanctuary.”

Thomas Mullen is a reformed Abraham Lincoln impersonator (and recent science fiction author impersonator) participating in short fiction guerilla warfare.

A clue as to the world: Dragons are often mere worms with an ego malfunction. Give us a call if you want to share information.

Come now, you didn’t think I’d make it that easy, did you?



Thomas Mullen

Reformed Abraham Lincoln impersonator crafting tales imbued with wry British wit.