The Endangered Species

Saving them is a lost cause

Nanji Erode
Jun 21, 2021


Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash

I was eating a donut while driving. Thanks to my third eye and the second pair of arms, I was also typing an email.

There was a group of protesters ahead on the road. I slowed down.

As I passed the protesters, I followed them with my third eye. They were carrying banners that said, Save the Sapiens, Endangered Sapiens, Sapiens are Dying. Some displayed the iconic Sapien image — a body with two arms.

I sighed. What is the use of saving them? Just a waste of taxpayers’ dollars.

I turned my third eye back to the email and continued.




Published in Microcosm

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Nanji Erode
Nanji Erode

Written by Nanji Erode

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.