The Masked One

A Dark Transformation

Ada Inoue
1 min readJan 12, 2023


A person in an ornate mask features and face hidden by shadow.
Made with MidJourney by Author

The Masked One stood tall and proud.

His face obscured by the black mask he wore. He had always felt like an outcast, never truly knowing who he was.

But that all changed the day he found the mask.

With it, he discovered a newfound power, a sense of purpose. He could sense the fear emanating from his enemies as he closed in on them, and he could feel the weight of his sword as he sliced through their flesh.

But as he stood victorious, the mask started to consume him, taking over his thoughts and actions. He could no longer tell where the mask ended and he began.

He was the Masked One, and that was all that mattered.

I write stories inspired by my favourite fantasy and sci fi authors,
Frank Herbert, Stephen Donaldson, N. K. Jemisin and Brandon Sanderson.

100 Story Challenge divider made by Zane Dickens

My first story in Zane Dickens the Instigator, 💯 Story Challenge. 1 of 100

