The Pinkie Mystery

A small town where everyone is missing their pinkie

Nanji Erode
2 min readJun 17, 2023


Outside of a cafe in a small town
Photo by Krisztina Papp on Unsplash

The sun hung low in the sky as Charles, a man in his 60s, stepped onto the quiet streets of Oakville. He was there to explore the small town and determine if it could become his peaceful retirement haven.

His first stop was the cozy café nestled on the corner. Charles found himself a seat by the window, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. He turned to the person sitting next to him — a friendly-faced gentleman in a worn-out cap.

“Lovely town you have here. Mind if I ask, what’s the best thing about living in Oakville?” Charles asked.

“Ah, it’s the tranquility, friend. There’s no rush, no chaos.” The gentleman replied, lifting his cup of coffee to his lips.

That’s when Charles noticed the gentleman had no pinkie on his right hand.

Twenty minutes later, Charles ventured into the local library, where he struck up a conversation with the librarian, a woman with wise eyes.

As he was leafing through the local newsletter, Charles asked, “What makes Oakville special? What sets it apart from other towns?”

The librarian smiled. “It’s the sense of unity, dear. We all look out for one another.”

When he was leaving the library ten minutes later, the librarian waved. Sure enough, she was missing the pinkie on her right hand.

Over the next two hours, he talked to several locals. But he couldn’t focus on what they were saying. He was too distracted by the missing pinkie on everyone’s right hand.

Suddenly he had a strong urge to check on his own right hand. He knew it was a stupid thing to do.

In one swift motion, he unfastened the VR headset and peeled off the sleek VR gloves.

Thank god, his right-hand pinkie was still there.



Nanji Erode

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.