Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

💯 Story Challenge

These Walls Have Eyes

№18 — Sometimes power can make us powerless.

Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2022


An official 100 Story Divider by the creator and genius* Zane Dickens. *Genius not confirmed.

James was having a Devil of a time. He felt cursed.

Today was far worse than most days. Usually, he’d keep it under control.
Be able to function. But not today.

He’d made a delivery in a highrise, a massive splinter of steel and glass.
He hated heights. Detested them.

But walls and floors were his friends. Things to look at and avoid the view.
To keep his hands from shaking and his mind from twisting.

Never again since the accident. One blow to the head and nothing blocked his sight. Everything like gossamer.

Paralysed by fear, he saw all.

An official 100 Story Divider by the creator and genius* Zane Dickens. *Genius not confirmed.

💯 Story Challenge (18/100)

A simple challenge to kick-start a new year; 100 stories in 100 days, at least a 100 words long using Unsplash Instant as my muse.

Here’s my 💯 Stories List. | ✉️ Follow my adventure. | Or follow everyone.

An official 100 Story Divider by the creator and genius* Zane Dickens. *Genius not confirmed.

I think that Kristen (the original and only) won this round with On The Wind:

But let’s see what Smillew can do?

For the uninitiated, the three of us are using the same photo prompt and seeing who can tell the best story. I’d say Kristen’s is the most impactful, but who knows where Smillew’s warped mind will take us.



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at