Villain to Vanquish: Syn

The voice in the darkness, when you close your eyes, is not what you think. Don’t believe the words you hear. Don’t listen.

Zane Dickens the Instigator


A young girl who deserved so much more.

There's a voice inside your head.

It’s been there so long you believe it’s a part of you, your own inner monologue. Your own pain given voice. A dark reflection of every action you take or fail to take.

The hypercritical voice that pulls at every thread, that sets fire to all plans, that gnaws at your convictions like a rodent with a bone.

Nibbling through weak tendon and brittle bone, until you snap. Then doubt crawls down your spine and coils its nasty acid spewing self in your gut.

That place of instincts and quick responses becomes a leaden weight holding you in place. Freezing your actions and staying your hand when those around you need you most.

Stopping you from being the hero, from being the ally that your troop needs, from being the normal decent human being you crave to be.

Instead, you wallow in the darkness, in the tomb of your mind, listening to the words of a ghost. A fragment of a person echoing hurt forever.



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at