Weekly Prompt: Resistance

All change faces Resistance, it’s part of the battle

Zane Dickens the Instigator


Photo by Kevin Hellhake on Unsplash, cropped by author.

Resistance comes in many forms. These inner battles on occupied land take many shapes.

From Steven Pressfield’s artistic resistance, where we are our own worst enemies pushing back against our own dreams.

To the famous WWII French resistance immortalised in film as well as one of my favourites Allo Allo.

Then the most famous resistances of all — the Rebel Alliance. Fighting against the oppressive, Third Reich inspired, Empire in Star Wars.

Even retreating from war and coming back down to Earth, there’s plenty of resistance too. In our companies, there’s enough resistance to spawn a whole industry of change managers.

In our societies, we resist tyranny from within. From terrorists to freedom fighters. It’s usually victory that ensures the historical upgrade.

Resistance often appears regardless of the change itself. Inertia is ever-present in people, societies and the physical world. The universe itself resists all change to a degree.

But Resistance can be a good teacher. Disagreement is often healthy, and the resulting diversity is fertile ground for creativity.

You have 50 words to make us feel this inner battle

  • It’s up to you if the change is inside the person, in their society, organisation or the physical world.
  • Let’s make it more challenging this week, you cannot use the word resistance in the title or the text.
  • Remember the first story accepted gets featured for the week.

Viva La Résistance!



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at zane.substack.com/about