When the Sun Flickers

The prophecy has come to pass

Leese Wright


Photo by Bruno Scramgnon from Pexels

“When the sun flickers, that’s when you know it is time.”

That was what everybody in Minoria had been told from the moment they were old enough to understand what it meant. It was written in the scripture of Inaya and though many generations had been and gone without any anomalies in the sun’s glow, each one lived according to the prophecy. There was no reason not to. The books of Inaya had, after all, foretold many events with complete accuracy.

The writings had predicted the great flood that had wiped out over half of the world’s population, leaving Minoria as one of only two continents remaining above sea-level. They had predicted the rise of the Volunnia Mountain from the ocean’s depths, that had brought with it flora and fauna that had sent the ecosystem into disarray. They had predicted the diseases that would come from the introduction of new animals. There was no reason not to believe that The Event, as it was simply known, would one day come to be.

When the sun was to flicker, that’s when they would rise. They being the Ouragon, a fierce group of underworld dwellers led by the demonic entity Vokonos. Their goal, so the books told, was to claim all land as their own and extinguish what little population still thrived. The extinction of humanity.

