Writer Vote: Pick Your Issues

Next month’s theme needs a little direction

Zane Dickens the Instigator


Hope Springs Eternal as an impressionist painting generated by Zane Dickens
Hope Springs Eternal by Zane Dickens

Our next theme is Hope Springs Eternal, celebrating spring in the Southern Hemisphere with stories with a positive twist.

I know it’s Fall for you Northerners, but maybe you can use Fall to inspire stories of how a dystopian situation can end up a little utopian.

I think the world needs a few more hopeful stories lately.

But I need your help to decide which option is most fun to write to.

Option 1:

A new issue each week, domestic violence, family values or climate change etc. If you want other issues, share them in the comments.

Option 2:

A climate focus the whole month, but a different scenario. Like rising tides or wildfires.

If you like community participation let me know if the comments too.



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at zane.substack.com/about