Writing Prompt: Call to Adventure

When adventure comes knocking your hero better answer (eventually)

Zane Dickens the Instigator


Glass Eye McGee knew the call was important, but who answered the first time anyway? (Midjourney & Me)

Here’s our first prompt for January’s theme: From Zero to Hero

Call to Adventure

The “call to adventure” is the second step in the hero’s journey, after the Ordinary World.

It's when the hero gets an opportunity or a challenge that forces them to leave their everyday world and go on a journey.

This call can come from a mysterious stranger who gives the hero a quest, a personal crisis, or a sudden change in circumstances that forces the hero to act, adapt, and overcome.

To hit all the key points of this stage

  1. Introduce the hero and their ordinary world: this is their everyday life, background, personality, and any notable characteristics or challenges they face.
  2. Present the call to adventure: Clearly and concisely describe the call to adventure, whether it’s a…



Zane Dickens the Instigator

Top Writer. Chief Instigator at Microcosm. Creator of the 💯 Story Challenge. Level Up: from Hobbyist to Authorpreneur at zane.substack.com/about